Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Employee Sick days?

My continuing bitching about employee productivity has taken another hit this week when my other IT techie has called in sick for 5 days because of a high fever.


5 days for a fever? Oh come on... I had fevers, limping legs, cough, sputum in my saliva, 3 hour sleeps, pink eyes, deaf. etc... AND I still go to work and suffer from my illness...

Some how I am learning that something here are fabricated because they don't want to show up to work on the first day of school. The stress of new students and teachers asking for IT support can be difficult but CERTAINLY not worth skipping because you have a fever.

Unfortunately this Vietnamese employee is known to have lots of money and it's easy to identify that he is capable of doing such tasks to fabricate any situation. Honestly I want to ask for a second opinion but the days have passed and there is not much I can do about it.

As a rookie manager, this is the reality I am facing of working with employees who are not capable, who are not supportive, who are just there from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Punch your time sheet in and punch your time sheet out.

Does this mean aggression comes into play? Does this mean micro-management is needed?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Employee Turnover?

What a wacked up day I went through. I have been fighting the insults from upper management and juggling to complete the IT department's tasks before the weekend. The biggest challenge was that the new IT techie that I hired at the end of June will be quiting from UNIS Hanoi because he could not work with me. WHAT!!!!!

Who cannot possible work with me? Am I a crazy psyco manic who snort coke and smoke up weed all day turn into a raving lunatic boss who think he the best?

BUZZ... " Questions about Scot" for 100 ... Alex"

Anyway, to keep a long story short, I am without a strong hard working IT techie for the first day of school and leaving me without any help for when the students arrive back into campus.

mmm... time to dig out the resumes from the 1.5 month old dust...

Wonders of management...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Patient Care...

While I am working in the trenches of Information Technology ER department at Unis Hanoi, I am indeed pulling 12-14 hours shift like hours, 7 days a week making sure that all my computer-patients are stable, on their medications and completing their treatment program before the school's opening on August 21, 2006.

In the real medical industry, an article in the LA times has shown me a big need for medical doctors as patient care is becoming more in demand. Click here to read the article.

mmm (scratching the hairs of wisdom).... I was studying pre-medicine... perhaps a time to think about finishing it.