The days of stress...
The days of defeat...
The days of exhaustion...
The days of destruction...
The days of Anger...
The days of downward spiral...
The days of Hate...
The days of pain and suffering...
The days of devastation...
The day of days...
The thoughts of confusion, hatred, agonize, struggles, and emptiness consumes my mind and soul. The peace and serenity has left my body for greener pastures. I can feel the dark side of life creep along the side of my body looking for swift passage to enter my body making its way to my heart for annihilation.
The anger and hate towards Muslims residing in many countries after the continuous obliteration of life who use terror as means to destroy humanity.
The International financial markets take a plunge on uncertainties of oil which commands our daily lives no matter where we live, where we come from and what we do.
The most beautiful and nonviolent country in the world has been devoted to promote world peace has its dreams and passion shattered by recent world wide intimidation and terrorism leaving the country in doubts about its long standing repetition.
My dearest sibling whose life I treasure and miss dearly finds himself ridden with defeat, exhaustion, confusion, betrayal, fear and lack of self – confidence is moving far away from his family into un-charted waters.
My dearest mother bed ridden from a recent foot surgery giving her the immobility to move around to do what life demands for her for months to come.
My wants to be committed co-worker who wife recently had a baby daughter and knowing that I made the decision his contract is not to be renewed for the next academic school year.
My dearest girlfriend who I really care about is mutually in agreement that we need to break apart from each other as the silly resentments and selfish blames consumes our daily lives that we cannot resolve.
This is what I call the day of days…